Feb. 25, 2024

Planning a creative Valentines day using ChatGPT

Planning a creative Valentines day using ChatGPT

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I was wondering how I might use ChatGPT to help me plan for the day. I’d love to move from the ordinary to the unique and create a memorable experience. I’ve used ChatGPT enough by now to know that the better my initial prompt is, the more useful the output will be to me. I attempted to explain who I was and what I was looking for. Paraphrased for brevity, I included the following in my request:

  • Suggestions for activities to do, not stuff to buy
  • Cost at different price points, but particularly interested in those that are free to low cost (defined as $100 or under).
  • Time duration of 2-5 hours
  • Activity is related in some way to friendship, love, marriage, romance, etc.
  • It will occur on or around Valentines’ Day (February 14th)

ChatGPT’s first try included these ideas:

  • Stargazing Adventure: Find a local spot away from city lights, bring a blanket, some warm drinks, and enjoy an evening under the stars. You can use a stargazing app to identify constellations and make wishes on shooting stars, creating a romantic and magical experience.
  • Memory Lane Walk: Take a walk down memory lane by visiting places that are significant in your relationship, like where you had your first date, shared a memorable moment, or even where you first met. Share memories and talk about why those moments were special to you both.
  • Artistic Expression: Attend a local art class together, like pottery or painting. Many places offer one-time classes meant for couples or groups. It's a fun way to learn something new together and you'll have a keepsake to remember the day.
  • Outdoor Adventure: If you both enjoy the outdoors, plan a hike or a bike ride in a beautiful area nearby. Choose a trail with a scenic viewpoint or a destination spot like a waterfall or a lake where you can spend some time together enjoying nature.
  • Photo Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of romantic or silly things to find or do around your city, and take photos at each spot. This could include things like "kiss on a bridge," "take a photo with a heart-shaped object," or "find a place with 'love' in its name." It's a playful way to explore and make new memories.
  • Sunset or Sunrise Viewing: Find a spot where you can watch the sunset or sunrise together. Bring along some snacks and drinks, and enjoy the quiet moment together. It's a simple yet profoundly beautiful way to connect and appreciate nature's beauty.

Depending on your tastes, it’s possible that any one of these suggestions might really resonate with you. I might adapt the Photo Scavenger Hunt to create one for parents to do with their children or teachers to complete with their students. And Sunset or Sunrise Viewing did really hit the mark for me in terms of a simpler, yet still potentially romantic option for Valentine’s Day. I noticed that ChatGPT even hints that it really doesn’t know enough about us though (from Outdoor Adventure: “If you both enjoy the outdoors,…”). So, while I admit these responses were adequate, I thought that perhaps I’d add a bit more about our common interests to tailor the list even more specifically to things we like to do. 

The second try returned this more tailored list from ChatGPT:

  • Themed Board Game Night: Set up a romantic board game night at home with games that both of you love. To add a Valentine's Day twist, you could include games with themes of love, mystery, or adventure. Decorate the space with cozy and romantic elements, and include snacks and drinks that you both enjoy.
  • Romantic Comedy Movie Marathon: Create a cozy home cinema experience and have a movie marathon of your favorite romantic comedies. You can make it extra special by creating movie tickets, making popcorn, and setting up a comfortable viewing area with blankets and pillows.
  • Historical Fiction or Fantasy Book Club for Two: Pick a historical fiction or fantasy book to read together in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day. On the day, have a special book club meeting just for the two of you, where you can discuss the book, share your favorite parts, and enjoy themed snacks and drinks related to the book's setting.
  • Scenic Hike with a Twist: Choose a scenic hiking trail that you both haven't explored yet. To add a romantic element, plan a small surprise along the way, such as a hidden picnic spot, a love letter tucked away for your partner to find, or a scenic viewpoint where you can share a special moment.
  • Fantasy World Date Night: Create an evening where you immerse yourselves in a fantasy world. This could involve watching a fantasy movie or series, dressing up as characters, and enjoying themed food and drinks. You could even incorporate elements of fantasy board games or role-playing games for a more interactive experience.
  • Outdoor Adventure with a Romantic Twist: Plan a day hike to a beautiful destination, but add a romantic element by writing love notes to each other to read at the summit, or by bringing a small token of your affection to exchange in a memorable spot.

Again, the choices are varied and the activities sound inviting. Inspired by a few of ChatGPT’s suggestions (Memory Lane Walk, Romantic Comedy Movie Marathon) I thought it might be fun to visit places featured in favorite romantic comedies that we have watched. When I shared my idea with Chat GPT, it produced alternatives that included movies set in European cities (such as  “Love Actually” in London, and “Midnight in Paris”, set unsurprisingly in Paris!)  I quickly realized that in keeping with my budgetary constraints, I’d need to restrict Chat GPT’s recommendations to those located in the US, where I currently reside. I submitted a request for more film locations, limited to those within the US, and Chat GPT was happy to oblige:

  1. “La La Land” (2016)
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    Notable Spots: Griffith Observatory (where they dance and watch the stars), the Lighthouse Cafe (jazz club scene), and the Angels Flight railway
  2. Hitch” (2005)
    Location: New York, NY
    Notable Spots: Ellis Island (where Hitch takes Sara for a date), South Street Seaport (where they have another date), and the North Cove Marina (scene of the jet ski date)
  3. “The Notebook” (2004)
    Location: Charleston, SC
    Notable Spots: Cypress Gardens (rowboat scene), the American Theater, and the College of Charleston
  4. “Serendipity” (2001)
    Location: New York, NY
    Notable Spots: Serendipity 3 Cafe (famous for its frozen hot chocolate), Wollman Rink in Central Park, and Bloomingdale’s department store
  5. “You’ve Got Mail” (1998)
    Location: New York, NY
    Notable Spots: Riverside Park and Cafe Palo (where the couple plans to meet)

Instantly, I had a list of locations for many of the memorable moments in some popular romantic comedies. I wondered why the scene I most remembered from Sleepless in Seattle wasn’t listed. When I asked ChatGPT for a more complete list of all the places visited by the couple in the film, it provided a few that were initially missing, and did list the location of that last iconic scene:


  • Empire State Building: The climax of the movie occurs here, paying homage to the classic film "An Affair to Remember." Sam and Jonah go to the observation deck, where the movie's most romantic scenes unfold.

Thrilled with my final results, I’m looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day. My most important take-aways from this exercise…

  • Using ChatGPT is an iterative process… if at first you don’t see what you love, try, try again!
  • Truly, the more specific you can be, the better ChatGPT’s responses will meet your needs.
  • ChatGPT does not necessarily reveal all that it knows…ask for more details when you want or need them.
  • When utilized as a brainstorming partner, ChatGPT encourages your own creativity.
  • The sun rises and sets 365 times each year. Maybe don’t wait until Valentine’s Day rolls around to watch one with someone you love!